Poster Presentations
Tuesday Oct. 13, 2009
TUP001: Monitoring the LHCb Experiment Computing Infrastructure with NAGIOS E.Bonaccorsi*, N.Neufeld (CERN) TUP002: Software Management in the LHCb Online System E.Bonaccorsi, G.Moine, L.Brarda, N.Neufeld* (CERN) TUP003: Consummation of an Observable Network System T.Ohata*, M.Ishii, T, Sakamoto, (JASRI/SPring-8) TUP004: SESAME Computing and Network Infrastructure A.Al-Adwan*, S.A.Matalgah (SESAME) TUP005: Preliminary Planning of Taiwan Photon Source Control Network C.H.Kuo, J.Chen, K.T.Hsu, Y.-S.Cheng, Y.-T.Chang* (NSRRC) TUP006: Integration of Computers and Terminals by introduction of the Virtualization Technology and Thin Client in SPring-8 K.Mayama, M.Hanada, M.Kodera*, S.Yokota, T.Shimizu (JASRI/SPring-8) TUP007: Control System Network Architecture at NSLS-II R.Petkus* (BNL) TUP008: Development of High Resolution Large Display for SPring-8 Central Control Room A.Yamashita, R.Fujihara, T.Hamano* (JASRI/SPring-8) TUP009: Network Impact of Small and Ubiquitous Intelligent Devices R.Petkus* (BNL) TUP010: CSS - We didn't Invent It, We Made It Better. D.J.Armstrong, J.D.Purcell*, K.-U.Kasemir (ORNL) X.H.Chen (ORNL RAD) TUP011: Software for Supervisory Control of the Trim Coil Power Supplies of the Kolkata Superconducting Cyclotron B.Sarkar*, C.Datta, D.Sarkar, S.Bandyopadhyay (DAE/VECC) TUP012: XAL Adoption Experience at LCLS Q.Gan (IHEP Beijing) A.Chan, D.Fairley, D.Rogind, E.Grunhaus, G.R.White, J.Wu, M.Woodley, P.Chu*, P.Krejcik, S.Chevtsov, M.Zelazny (SLAC) TUP013: On-change Publishing of Database Resident Control System Data C.Roderick, R.Billen, R.Billen* (CERN) TUP014: The Automation of Working Cycle for the KCSR Booster Synchrotron. E.V.Kaportsev, K.Kuznetsov, L.A.Moseiko, N.I.Moseiko, Y.L.Yupinov, Y.V.Krylov* (RRC) TUP015: A Framework for Authentication and Authorization in Plug-in-Based Control System Software H.R.Rickens, J.Hatje, M.R.Clausen, M.R.Clausen* (DESY) TUP016: Orbit Display Software for CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) at CERN F.Tecker, J.-M.Nonglaton (CERN) B.S.Srivastava*, N.Lulani, P.Fatnani, P.Shrivastava, R.K.Agrawal (RRCAT) TUP017: Managing Alarms and (Log)Messages - the CSS Way B.Schoeneburg, G.Liu, H.R.Rickens, J.Hatje, M.Moeller, M.R.Clausen* (DESY) TUP018: JMX-based Console Application Manager P.K.Bartkiewicz*, R.Schmitz, W.Schütte (DESY) TUP019: Diagnostic and Monitoring CERN Accelerator Controls Infrastructure : The DIAMON Project - First Deployment in Operation J.Lauener, M.Sobczak, P.Charrue, P.Charrue* (CERN) TUP020: Role Based Access Control in the LHC : The RBAC Project - First Deployment in LHC Operation I.Yastrebov, M.Sobczak, P.Charrue*, W.Sliwinski (CERN) A.D.Petrov, E.S.M.McCrory, S.R.Gysin (Fermilab) TUP021: The LHC Post Mortem Analysis Framework A.Castaneda, A.Rijllart, D.Khasbulatov, H.Reymond, I.Romera Ramirez, M.Zerlauth*, N.Trofimov, O.O.Andreassen, R.Gorbonosov, V.Baggiolini (CERN) TUP022: Alarms Philosophy K.-U.Kasemir, K.S.White* (ORNL) TUP023: Multi-Device Knob Utility for LCLS at SLAC D.Fairley, D.Rogind, G.R.White, H.Smith, M.Woodley, P.Chu, P.Krejcik, S.Chevtsov, M.Zelazny* (SLAC) TUP024: Generation of Simple, Type-Safe Messages for Inter-Task Communications C.King, R.Neswold* (Fermilab) TUP025: Beam-Size Measurement System at the SAGA-LS Storage Ring S.Koda, T.Kaneyasu, Y.Iwasaki, Y.Takabayashi* (SAGA) TUP026: Beam Measuremet System for VEPP-2000 D.E.Berkaev, Yu. A.Rogovsky* (BINP SB RAS) TUP027: Calibration of the Beam Position Monitors for VEPP-2000 Yu. A.Rogovsky* (BINP SB RAS) TUP028: Process Watcher Application in D0 Experiment at Fermilab D.G.Savage, J.F.Bartlett, V.Sirotenko* (Fermilab) TUP029: KSTAR Widget Toolkit Using Qt Library for the EPICS Based Control System M.K.Park, S.Baek*, S.Lee (NFRI) TUP030: Versatile Network Stream Capture Tool Using Java for High Energy Accelerator Control Systems N.Kanaya* (Ibaraki University Electrical and Electronic Eng.) TUP031: System of Power Supply Ripples Measurement for VEPP-2000 Collider A.S.Medvedko, D.E.Berkaev*, O.V.Belikov, P.Yu.Shatunov, V.R.Kozak (BINP SB RAS) TUP032: Beam Measurement System of VEPP-2000 Injection Channels D.E.Berkaev*, E. V.Bykov, I.A.Ostanin, V.P.Cherepanov, V.R.Kozak, V.V.Repkov (BINP SB RAS) TUP033: The Virtual UNICOS Process Expert: Integration of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Industrial Control Systems G.Thomas* (CERN), Ignacio Vilches Calvo(CERN, Geneva), Renaud Barillere(CERN, Geneva) TUP034: New ACOP Beans and TINE General Purpose Diagnostic Applications I.Kriznar, J.Bobnar, T.Kusterle (Cosylab) P.Duval* (DESY) S.Weisse (DESY Zeuthen) TUP035: JDDD in Action A.Petrosyan, E.Sombrowski*, K.Rehlich, P.Gessler (DESY) J.M.Meyer (ESRF) TUP036: Application Software for the BSP-100 Beam Position Monitor at the APS G.Decker, H.Shang*, L.Emery, R.Soliday, W.E.Norum (ANL) TUP037: The FERMI@Elettra Online Modeling Toolkit C.Scafuri* (ELETTRA) TUP038: CPPerl/CXML - a Host-Based Sequencer for EPICS P.Gurd, R.Keitel* (TRIUMF) TUP039: Emittance Measurement Wizard A.Shapovalov* (MEPhI) TUP040: IRMIS3 Status G.Carcassi* (BNL) TUP041: HWII, a Hardware Inventory and Integration Database for the Virgo Project F.Carbognani, F.Carbognani*, G.Hemming (EGO) TUP042: Weak Beam Diagnostics Utility for ATLAS-CARIBU F.H.Munson, G.P.Zinkann, M.A.Power*, R.C.Pardo (ANL) TUP043: Recent Changes in the 500 MeV Cyclotron's Central Control System to Reduce Beam Downtime and Beam On/Off Transitions E.Klassen, J.J.Pon*, K.S.Lee, M.Mouat, M.Trinczek, P.J.Yogendran (TRIUMF) TUP044: Control of the Rotating Beam on RIB Targets at TRIUMF E.Klassen, K.S.Lee*, M.Mouat, M.Trinczek, R.E.Laxdal, W.R.Rawnsley (TRIUMF) TUP045: Preliminary Test of EPICS Waveform Support for TPS C.H.Kuo, C.Y.Wu, J.Chen, K.H.Hu, K.T.Hsu, Y.-S.Cheng* (NSRRC) TUP046: Jefferson Lab Personnel Safety Electronic Log RMA I.T.Carlino, K.Kindrew, K.L.Mahoney*, N.Okay, T. L.Larrieu, T.S.McGuckin (JLAB) TUP047: The Use of Process and Instrumentation Drawings for Accelerator and Beamline Control Applications at the Canadian Light Source E.Matias*, G.Judkins, J.Swirsky, M.McKibben (CLS) TUP048: ALMA Software Project Management, Lessons Learned G.Raffi* (ESO) B.E.Glendenning (NRAO) TUP049: The TOTEM Detector Control System F.L.R.Lucas Rodríguez*, F.Ravotti, I.Atanassov, P.Palazzi (CERN) TUP050: Making Continuous Integration a Reality for Control Systems on a Large Scale Basis A.Buteau*, G.Viguier, M.Ounsy, S.Dupuy, S.Le, V.H.Hardion (SOLEIL) TUP051: Systems Enginering Approach to the Phased Multi-Year LANSCE-Refurbishment Project F.E.Shelley, J.L.Erickson, L.Rybarcyk, M.Pieck*, M.S.Gulley (LANL) TUP052: Failure Mode Effects Analysis for an Accelerator Control System S.M.Hartman* (ORNL) TUP054: Systems and Software Engineering for the MAX IV Facility T.Friedrich* (MAX-lab) TUP056: Software Configuration Control W.H.Strong* (ORNL) TUP057: FPGA Digital Timing System for Fusion Plasma Diagnostics in LHD H.Nakanishi*, K.Kawahata, M.Kojima, M.Nonomura, M.Ohsuna, S.Imazu, S.Sudo, Y.Ito, Y.Nagayama (NIFS) TUP058: A Pulse-Pattern Generator Using LabVIEW FPGA F.Ziegler, G.Marx, L.Schweikhard (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität) D.B.Beck*, F.Herfurth, H.Brand, H.Hahn, S.Koszudowski (GSI) TUP059: Commissioning of the FPGA Based Transverse Feedback System at the Advanced Photon Source C.Yao, N.P.Di Monte*, W.E.Norum (ANL) TUP060: Single Board Computer for Equipment Control M.Thieme*, M.Zweig, S.Rauch, W.Panschow (GSI) TUP061: Applications and Upgrading of the Flexible and Logic-reconfigurable VME Board T.Hirono*, T.Kudo, T.Ohata (JASRI/SPring-8) TUP062: Control Architecture of a New Power Supply Controller for Diamond Light Source A.J.Rose, I.Uzun, J.A.Dobbing, J.Rowland, M.G.Abbott, M.T.Heron* (Diamond) TUP063: Configuration Management for Software and Firmware at PSI Accelerators T.Pal, T.Pal* (PSI) TUP065: PC/104 Embedded IOCs at Jefferson Lab A.Cuffe, J.Yan*, S.D.Witherspoon, T.L.Allison (JLAB) TUP066: Embedded Solutions for EPICS Based Control Systems M.Dach* (PSI) TUP067: Magnet Power Supply Control System Using i-DIO FPGA Program in a VME Filed Bus Card K.Fukami, T.Masuda (JASRI/SPring-8) H.Takebe*, O.Otake, T.Fukui, T.Hara, Y.Otake (RIKEN/SPring-8) TUP068: Reconfigurable Embedded Interface System for High Energy Accelerators N.Kanaya* (Ibaraki University Electrical and Electronic Eng.) TUP069: Multipurpose LLRF Field Controller for Various Superconducting Cavity Applications W.Cichalewski, W.Jalmuzna* (TUL-DMCS) TUP070: A Signal Processing Board for the J-PARC Slow Extraction Feedback Control A.Kiyomichi, H.Nakagawa, H.Sato, H.Someya, M.Tomizawa, R.Muto, T.Adachi (KEK) K.Noda (NIRS) K.Mochiki (Tokyo City University Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering) S.Onuma* (Tokyo City University Graduate School of Engineering, Infomation Engineering) TUP071: The Control System for Induction Acceleration in the KEK Digital Accelerator T.Iwashita, Y.Arakida (KEK) K.Mochiki (Tokyo City University Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering) T.Sano* (Tokyo City University Graduate School of Engineering, Infomation Engineering) TUP072: Reconfigurable Data Acquisition System for Time-Resolved Measurements in Multibunch Mode of the SLS A.Puzic, B.Kalantari, C.Quitmann, J.Raabe, T.Korhonen* (PSI) TUP073: Digital Powersupply Controller Dataconcentrator DPC_DC G.Janser* (PSI) TUP074: What is Front-end and What is Back-end R.Ursic* (Instrumentation Technologies) TUP075: Canadian Light Source - Phase II Beamline Control System Status Update D.Beauregard, E.Matias*, G.Black, G.Wright, R.Berg, R.Igarashi, T.Wilson, W.Dolton (CLS) TUP076: Development of the Future Spiral2 Control System F.Gougnaud, J.-F.Gournay, J.F.Denis, P.Mattei, Y.Lussignol (CEA) C.H.Haquin, D.T.Touchard, E.Lecorche*, E.Lemaitre, L.Philippe, P.Gillette (GANIL) C.Maazouzi, J.H.Hosselet, P.G.Graehling (IPHC) TUP077: The Present Status of the Control System for the ANGARA-5 Fusion Facility A.V.Kartashov, E.V.Grabovsky, G.M.Oleinik, V.I.Zaitsev* (SRC RF TRINITI) ![]() A.P.Ludwigsen, C.D.Marshall, D.G.Mathisen, J.M.Fisher, L.J.Lagin, P.J.Van Arsdall*, R.Demaret, R.G.Beeler, R.K.Reed, R.M.Bryant, R.W.Carey, T.M.Frazier (LLNL) TUP079: The ATLAS MDT Control System S.Zimmermann (Freiburg) G.Bobbink, R.G.K.Hart* (NIKHEF) TUP080: The ATLAS Barrel Alignment Readout System F.O.G.Bauer (CEA) P-F.Giraud (CERN) H.L.Groenstege, H.van der Graaf, R.G.K.Hart* (NIKHEF) TUP082: Operation and Running of BEPCII Control System C.H.Wang* (IHEP Beijing) TUP083: The 10 Petawatt Upgrade Proposal For The Vulcan High-Power Laser A.Boyle, A.Kidd, C.Hernandez-Gomez, D.A.Pepler*, D.J.Robinson, E.J.Divall, I. O.Musgrave, P.Holligan (STFC/RAL) TUP084: Upgrading the Control System of RIKEN RI Beam Factory for New Injector J.-I.Odagiri (KEK) M.K.Fujimaki, M.Komiyama*, N.Fukunishi (RIKEN Nishina Center) A.Uchiyama (SHI Accelerator Service ltd.) TUP085: Status of the SOLEIL Control System A.Buteau*, B.Gagey, P.Betinelli (SOLEIL) TUP086: The Control System of SPES Target: Current Status and Perspectives. A.Andrighetto, G.Bassato*, G.P.Prete, J.A.Vasquez, L.Costa, M.G.Giacchini, R.Izsak (INFN/LNL) TUP087: Control and Data Acquisition for the ITER Ion Source Test Facility A.Barbalace, A.Luchetta*, A.Soppelsa, C.Taliercio, G.Manduchi, O.Barana (Consorzio RFX Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione) TUP088: The Control System of the ATLAS Pixel Detector J.Zhong (Academia Sinica Institute of Physics) J.Boek, J.Schultes, P.Kind, P.Maettig, S.Kersten (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal Fachbereich Physik) B.Di Girolamo, K.Lantzsch* (CERN) P.Sicho (Czech Republic Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics) J.J.Moss (Ohio State University) TUP089: A Control System for the EMMA 20 MeV Electron NS-FFAG A.Oates, B.G.Martlew*, G.Cox, P.H.Owens (STFC/DL) A.Quigley, R.V.Rotheroe (STFC/DL/SRD) TUP090: The Status of the Alba Controls D.Fernandez-Carreiras* (CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron) TUP091: Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Undulator Line Control System* J.Z.Xu*, N.D.Arnold, R.Laird, S.E.Shoaf, S.J.Stein, W.E.Norum, X.S.Xu (ANL) TUP092: The Development of the Undulator Controls Module at the Linac Coherent Light Source A.D.Alarcon* (SLAC) TUP093: The ALICE Detector Control System, Ready for First Collisions A.Augustinus*, L.S.Jirden, P.Ch.Chochula (CERN) TUP094: Control System Design for Central Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Facility N.Yamamoto*, Y.Takashima (Nagoya University Department of Materials Science and Engineering) M.Hosaka (Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering) M.Katoh (UVSOR) TUP095: Facility Utility Control System of XFEL/SPring-8 M.I.Ishii, R.Tanaka, T.Masuda* (JASRI/SPring-8) N.Kumagai, T.Fukui, Y.Sekiguchi (RIKEN/SPring-8) TUP096: The Control System of the ATLAS Inner Detector F.Dittus* (CERN) TUP097: Present Status of Control System of UVSOR-II H.Zen*, J.Yamazaki, K.Hayashi, M.Adachi, M.Katoh (UVSOR) TUP098: Present Status of the SAGA-LS Control System S.Koda, T.Kaneyasu*, Y.Iwasaki, Y.Takabayashi (SAGA) TUP099: A Control System Developed for 150 MeV FFAG Accelerator Complex and its Application A.Osanai, H.Yoshino, K.Takamiya, M.Tanigaki*, N.Abe, T.Takeshita (KURRI) TUP100: The LHCb Silicon Tracker And Its Control System: From Scratch Towards Stable Operation A.Buechler* (UZH) D.Esperante Pereira (usc) TUP101: ALMA Common Software (ACS), Status and Development M.Sekoranja (Cosylab) A.Caproni, B.Jeram, G.Chiozzi*, H.Sommer, J.Schwarz (ESO) R.Cirami (INAF-OAT) H.Yatagai (NAOJ) J.A.Avarias (NRAO) A.A.Hoffstadt, J.S.Lopez (UTFSM) A.Grimstrup (University of Calgary Physics Department) TUP103: Status of the ATLAS Detector and Common Infrastructure Control H.J.Burckhart, O.Gutzwiller*, S.Franz, S.Schlenker (CERN) V.Filimonov, V.Khomutnikov (PNPI) L.Sargsyan (YerPhI) TUP104: NSLS II Control System D.Dohan, G.B.Shen, L.R.Dalesio*, N.Malitsky, Y.Tian (BNL) A.Ratti, L.R.Doolittle (LBNL) TUP105: The Control System of the FERMI@Elettra Free Electron Laser A.Abrami, C.Scafuri, F.Giacuzzo, G.Gaio, L.Pivetta, M.Lonza*, M.Pugliese (ELETTRA) TUP106: Status Report of the Measurement Service for the CERN Accelerator Logging G.Kruk, M.Gourber-Pace*, M.Misiowiec (CERN) TUP107: Development of a New Control System for the FAIR Accelerator Complex at GSI M.Thieme, R.Baer*, U.Krause, V.RW.Schaa, W.Schiebel (GSI) TUP108: Control System for J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility A.Agari, A.Kiyomichi, A.Toyoda, E.Hirose, H.Takahashi, H.Watanabe, K.H.Tanaka, M.Ieiri, M.Minakawa, M.Naruki, M.Takasaki, R.Muto, S.Sawada, Y.Katoh, Y.Sato*, Y.Shirakabe, Y.Suzuki, Y.Yamanoi (KEK) H.Noumi (RCNP) TUP109: Present Status of SARAF Control System C.Piel (RI Research Instruments GmbH) A.Abramson, A.Perry, I.Gertz*, I.Mardor, L.Weissman (Soreq NRC) TUP110: Conceptual Design of the ITER Plasma Control System A.Wallander, A.Winter*, D.J.Campbell, I.Yonekawa, J.Snipes, L.Scibile, W.-D.Klotz, Y.Gribov (ITER) TUP111: The LHCb RICH Detector Control System. A.Papanestis* (STFC/RAL) |
Wednesday Oct. 14, 2009
WEP001: Configuration and Sequencing Tools for the LMJ Control System J.J.Dupas, J.J.Dupas* (CEA) F.P.Signol, J.C.Picon (CESTA) WEP002: BEPCII EPICS Data Archiving and Retrieving System C.H.Wang, S.Liu, Z.Zhao* (IHEP Beijing) WEP004: Web Services for APS Control Systems Relational Database Software: Tying It All Together D.E.R.Quock* (ANL) WEP005: The LHC Logging Service: Handling Terabytes of On-line Data A.Khodabandeh, E.B.Grancher, N.Segura Chinchilla, R.Billen, R.Billen*, R.D.Gaspar Aparicio (CERN) WEP006: The LSA Database to Drive the Accelerator Settings R.Billen, R.Billen* (CERN) WEP007: FESA 3.0: Overcoming the XML/RDBMS Impedance Mismatch M.Martin Marquez, M.Peryt*, R.Billen (CERN) WEP008: The New CERN Controls Middleware Directory Service J.Lauener, P.Charrue, P.Charrue* (CERN) WEP009: ALBA Control & Cabling Database A.Ruz, D.B.Beltran*, D.Fernandez-Carreiras, I.Costa, J.Klora, J.Ribas, J.V.Gigante, O.Sanchez, R.Ranz, S.Rubio-Manrique, V.Prat (CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron) WEP010: Validation of a MySQL-based Archiving System for ALBA Synchrotron S.Rubio-Manrique* (CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron) G.Strangolino (ELETTRA) M.Ounsy, S.Pierre-Joseph Zephir (SOLEIL) WEP011: Automated Experimental Data Analysis at the National Ignition Facility A.L.Warrick, E.J.Bond, J.A.Liebman, J.D.Tappero, P.W.Edwards, R.C.Bettenhausen, R.G.Beeler, S.G.Azevedo*, S.M.Glenn, W.H.Williams (LLNL) WEP012: Application of MDSplus for the Management of the Pulsed-based Experimental Data in KSTAR Tokamak M.K.Park, S.Lee, T.G.Lee* (NFRI) WEP013: Application of a Simple Text Format as a Device Configuration File T.T.Nakamura* (KEK) WEP014: Two-level Channel Model in Three-level Control System A.V.Makeev, D.Bolkhovityanov, D.Bolkhovityanov*, P.B.Cheblakov, Y.I.Eidelman (BINP SB RAS) WEP015: Grid-enabling the Astra Gemini Laser Data A.A.Pakhira, A.Kidd, D.A.Pepler*, D.Neely, K.Hayrapetyan, L.Lerusse, L.Sastry, M.M.Notley, M.T.Gleaves, S.Nagella, V.A.Marshall (STFC/RAL) WEP016: EPICS and IRMIS D.Dohan* (BNL) WEP017: Design of a XFEL Beamline DAQ System A.Yamashita, R.Tanaka, T.Hirono, T.Ohata*, Y.Furukawa (JASRI/SPring-8) M.Yabashi, T.Hatsui, T.Ishikawa (RIKEN/SPring-8) WEP018: Software Applications for the Commissioning of the LHC Superconducting Circuits A.Rijllart, B.Bellesia, J.Szkutnik, M.Pojer, M.Solfaroli Camillocci, M.Zerlauth, M.Zerlauth*, R.I.Saban, R.Schmidt (CERN) A.Marqueta Barbero, C.Fernandez-Robles (IBERINCO) WEP019: Crawling the Control System T. L.Larrieu* (JLAB) WEP020: Life Cycle Management System for Accelerator Equipment A.Yamashita, Y.Ishizawa* (JASRI/SPring-8) WEP021: A MySQL Based EPICS Archiver C.J.Slominski* (JLAB) WEP022: Timing Delay Management Database for J-PARC Linac and RCS H.Sakaki (JAEA) H.Takahashi*, H.Yoshikawa (JAEA/J-PARC) M.Sugimoto (Mitsubishi Electric Control Software Corp) WEP023: Correction of Phase and Amplitude Error of RF Modulator and Demodulator M.Yamaga (JASRI/SPring-8) H.Maesaka, N.Hosoda, S.M.Matsubara, T.Ohshima*, Y.Otake (RIKEN/SPring-8) WEP024: Development of Microcontroller-based Computer Interface Board and Local Display Unit for Steering Magnet Power Supplies S.Bhagwat (BARC) C.Datta, D.Sarkar, K.Datta*, S.Bandyopadhyay (DAE/VECC) WEP025: BEPCII Timing System G.Lei*, G.Li, G.X.Xu, L.Wang, W.Gao (IHEP Beijing) WEP026: Design and Implementation of a Full-featured Distributed Synchronization System Using Commercial Hardware B.Kalantari*, T.Korhonen (PSI) WEP027: System Integration Effort on MagViz a Liquid Explosive Detection Device J.F.Power, J.O.Hill, M.Pieck* (LANL) WEP028: Development of a Multi Functional Unit, Blanc4 M.I.Ishii*, T.Ohata (JASRI/SPring-8) WEP029: The White Rabbit Project G.Gaderer, P.Loschmidt (Austrian Academy of Sciences) E.G.Cota, J.H.Lewis, J.Serrano*, M.Cattin, P.Alvarez, P.M.Oliveira Fernandes Moreira, T.Wlostowski (CERN) J.Dedic (Cosylab) C.Prados, M.Kreider, R.Baer, S.Rauch, T.Fleck (GSI) WEP030: A New Magnetic Field Regulation System for the CERN Proton Synchrotron J.-P.Burnet, J.L.Gomez Costa, M.Chamiot-Clerc, M.Veenstra*, Q.King, X.Genillon, Y.Gaillard (CERN) WEP031: Developement of a New Phase Detector for the APS Linac A. F.Pietryla*, A.E.Grelick, W.E.Norum (ANL) WEP032: PCI/cPCI Interface for PSI Power Supply Controller D.B.Beltran*, D.Fernandez-Carreiras, F.Becheri, J.Klora, J.V.Gigante, L.Krause, M.Lipinsky (CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron) WEP033: Using an IIDC/DCAM Camera for Beam Display and Analysis D.M.Gassner, L.T.Hoff, R.H.Olsen* (BNL) WEP034: Application of VEPP-4M Database for Analysis Radiation Resistance of Temperature Sensors on Base DS1631Z O.A.Plotnikova*, S.E.Karnaev, V.Y.Chudaev (BINP SB RAS) WEP035: Data Acquisition for SSRF Ring Bunch Charge Monitor S.T.Huang, W.M.Zhou, Y.B.Leng*, Y.B.Yan (SSRF) WEP036: Development of Software for Event System in KEK Linac K.Furukawa, M.Satoh (KEK) S.Kusano*, T.Kudou (MELCO SC) WEP037: Implementation of PIC-based Embedded I/O Controller with EPICS for RILAC Control System J.-I.Odagiri (KEK) M.K.Fujimaki, M.Komiyama (RIKEN Nishina Center) H.Yamauchi (SHI Accelerator Service Ltd.) A.Uchiyama* (SHI Accelerator Service ltd.) WEP038: CompactPCI Express for Control Applications H.Kleines*, M.Drochner, M.Ramm, W.Erven (FZJ) WEP039: Timing System Upgrade for SNS J.Dedic (Cosylab) D.H.Thompson* (ORNL) D.Curry (ORNL RAD) WEP040: Power Supply Control System of NSLS-II Y.Tian* (BNL) WEP041: Hard Real-Time Networks for Fast Feedback and Timing S.Hunt (AHB) A.Zagar, J.Dedic, K.Zagar*, P.Kolaric, R.Sabjan, R.Stefanic (Cosylab) WEP042: The Motor Control in the SPARC Injector D.Filippetto, E.Pace, G.Di Pirro*, S.Fioravanti (INFN/LNF) A.Cianchi (Università di Roma II Tor Vergata Physics Department) WEP043: The Camera Acquisition System in the SPARC Control System D.Filippetto, E.Pace, G.Di Pirro*, S.Fioravanti (INFN/LNF) A.Cianchi (Università di Roma II Tor Vergata Physics Department) WEP044: LXI Instrumentation, with EPICS IOCs, for Remote Waveform Monitoring & Analysis L.Shaw* (ZTEC Instruments) WEP045: A Pico-Second Stable Clock and Trigger Distribution System for the European XFEL K.Rehlich (DESY) A.Hidvegi, C.Bohm, C.Bohm* (Stockholm University Department of Physics) WEP046: Development of the Undulator Control System for XFEL/SPring-8 T.Ohata (JASRI/SPring-8) T.Tanaka (RIKEN Spring-8 Harima) O.Otake*, T.Fukui (RIKEN/SPring-8) WEP047: Upgrade of Readout System for Beam Position Monitors in the KEKB Beam Transport Line K.Furukawa, M.Satoh, N.Iida (KEK) K.Yoshii, T.Aoyama*, T.Nakamura (MELCO SC) WEP048: Controller Platforms from FPGA to ATCA and Reliable Operations at KEK A.Akiyama, A.Kazakov, J.-I.Odagiri, K.Furukawa*, M.Satoh (KEK) WEP049: Digitally Controlled Magnet Power Supply D.E.Kim, K.-H.Park*, S.-H.Jeong, Y.G.Young-Gyu (PAL) B.-K.Kang (POSTECH) WEP050: Survey of Communication Links for ATCA in Physics S.Simrock, T.Jezynski, WK.Koprek (DESY) D.R.Makowski* (TUL-DMCS) WEP051: Acquisition of Analog Signals in ATCA based LLRF Control System for X-FEL M.K.Grecki, S.Simrock, T.Jezynski*, WK.Koprek (DESY) D.R.Makowski, W.Jalmuzna (TUL-DMCS) WEP052: Experience with Motion Control Systems at the Canadian Light Source D.Bertwistle*, E.Matias, M.McKibben (CLS) WEP053: The First Steps of the Beam Intensity Measurement of the Spiral2 Injector F.Gougnaud*, P.Mattei (CEA) WEP054: Continuous Scan F.Langlois, G.Abeille, G.Renaud*, J.Malik (SOLEIL) WEP055: PVSS-II for Indus-2 Control System- An Experience from Commissioning to Operation B.N.Merh*, P.Fatnani, R.K.Agrawal, R.Yadav, S.Gangopadhyay (RRCAT) WEP056: Motion Controls Using EPICS and Galil Controllers. R.I.Farnsworth* (ASCo) WEP057: Control System for SIDDHARTH Medical Linear Accelerator A.P.Bhagwat, V.B.Ukey* (SAMEER Medical Electronic Division) WEP058: The SNS Vacuum Control System Upgrade for the Superconducting Linac D.C.Williams* (ORNL) WEP059: Helium Cryoplant Off-line Commissioning and Operator Training: Two Applications of the PROCOS Simulation System at CERN B.Bradu, J.Vasseur, M.Pezzetti*, P.Gayet (CERN) WEP060: Advanced Control Facility for the Cern-Unicos Framework A.Moraux, D.O.Tavares, M.Pezzetti* (CERN) H.Coppier (ESIEE) WEP061: The Control System for the Cryogenics in the LHC Tunnel [ First Experience and Improvements ] A.Tovar, C.Fluder, E.Blanco, G.Penacoba, J.Casas, L.Zwalinski, M.Pezzetti, M.Soubiran, P.Gomes* (CERN) WEP062: Analysis of the Control System of ICE, the Insulation and Cooling Test Facility for the Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector C.Taliercio, F.Fantini, F.Fellin, M.Boldrin, M.Breda, M.Moressa, O.Barana*, P.Barbato, W.Rigato (Consorzio RFX Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione) WEP063: Control Power Supply System for Electromagnetic Elements for Tehnological Linac A.S.Chepurnov, I.V.Gribov (MSU) A.F.Shamarin (Marathon Ltd.) A.A.Sarvilov, A.N.Savchenko, D.L.Stepin, G.N.Tsebenko, V.N.Boriskin*, V.N.Vereshchaka (NSC/KIPT) WEP064: Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Technologies for Picosecond Timing and Synchronization T.F.Debelle, T.F.Debelle* (National Instruments) WEP065: The Low-Level Control System for the CERN PS Multi-Turn Extraction Kickers C.Boucly, E.Carlier, E.Carlier*, L.Sermeus, R.Noulibos, T.Fowler, J.Schipper (CERN) WEP066: SESAME Microtron Control System Upgrade A.Al-Adwan* (SESAME) WEP067: EPICS at Soft X-Ray Beamlines at DELTA M.Schmidt, S.Doering, U.Berges* (DELTA) F.Enz (ENZ) WEP068: SNS Injection and Extraction Kicker Control System Integration, Real-time Waveform Monitor, Machine Protection and Operation Experience J.Y.Tang*, S.M.Hartman (ORNL) L.A.Longcoy (ORNL RAD) WEP069: Development of PLC-based Beam Monitor Controller for XFEL/SPring-8 A.Yamashita, H.Ego, K.Yanagida (JASRI/SPring-8) H.Maesaka, S.I.Inoue*, S.M.Matsubara, Y.Otake (RIKEN/SPring-8) WEP070: Data Acquisition System of Beam Loss Monitors of the J-PARC Main Ring D.A.Arakawa, H.Nakagawa, J.-I.Odagiri, N.Kamikubota, N.Yamamoto, S.Yamada, T.Toyama, Y.Hashimoto (KEK) M.Takagi, S.Motohashi* (Kanto Information Service (KIS), Accelerator Group) WEP071: Three Frequency Undulator Radiation FEL Gain of Betatron Oscillations and Beam Energy Spread G.Mishra (Devi Ahilya University School of Physics) V.Gupta* (KCB Technical Academy) WEP072: New Control System for the EPU 4.6 C.Y.Wu*, D.Lee, J.Chen, K.H.Hu, K.T.Hsu, S.Y.Hsu (NSRRC) WEP073: Control System Integration of the PETRA III BPM System based on Libera Brilliance F.Schmidt-Foehre, G.Kube, H.Wu*, I.Krouptchenkov, J.Wilgen, P.K.Bartkiewicz (DESY) WEP074: Upgrading the Control System of the Movable Masks for KEKB J.-I.Odagiri, K.Furukawa, T.T.Nakamura (KEK) T.Nakamura* (MELCO SC) WEP075: Options for Interfacing EPICS to COTS Hardware Through LabVIEW A.Veeramani* (National Instruments) A.P.Zhukov, W.Blokland (ORNL) WEP076: Control of the J-PARC Slow Extraction Line Based on Embedded EPICS A.Kiyomichi, H.Nakagawa, J.-I.Odagiri, K.O.Okamura, M.Tomizawa, N.Kamikubota, N.Yamamoto, R.Muto, S.Murasugi, Y.Shirakabe (KEK) M.Takagi* (Kanto Information Service (KIS), Accelerator Group) WEP077: Device Control in ALICE A.Augustinus, L.S.Jirden*, L.W.Wallet, P.Ch.Chochula (CERN) WEP078: Using EPICS Enabled Industrial Hardware for Upgrading Control Systems E.Bjorklund (LANL) A.Veeramani* (National Instruments) WEP079: Integrated Control and Archive System for Utility Facility J.-C.Chang, J.-R.Chen, Z.-D.Tsai* (NSRRC) WEP080: The EMBL Sample Changer Pipeline U.R.Ristau* (EMBL) WEP081: A Programmable Logic Controller-Based System for the Recirculation of Liquid C6 F14 in the ALICE High Momentum Particle Identification Detector at the Large Hadron Collider G.De Cataldo, P.Martinengo (CERN) A.Franco, C.Pastore, I.Sgura* (INFN-Bari) C.Dell'Olio, U.Fratino (Università e Politecnico di Bari Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica) WEP082: Embedded EPICS Controller for KEKB Pulsed Quadrupole Magnet Power Supply J.-I.Odagiri, K.Furukawa, K.Mikawa*, T.Mimashi (KEK) T.Nakamura (MELCO SC) WEP083: Trials, Tribulations, and Pitfalls Using Commercial Instruments for Data Acquisition K.L.Unger, R.C.Lee*, R.H.Olsen (BNL) WEP084: Remote Controls for the Active Alignment System of the LHC Low Beta Quadrupoles E.Blanco, E.Blanco*, J.P.Palluel, S.Redaelli (CERN) WEP085: The National Instruments Based SARAF Main Control System C.Piel (RI Research Instruments GmbH) A.Abramson*, A.Perry, I.Gertz, I.Mardor (Soreq NRC) WEP086: EPICS IOC of WindowsXP-based Oscilloscope for Fast BPM Data Acquisition System K.Furukawa, M.Satoh*, T.Suwada (KEK) S.Kusano, T.Kudou (MELCO SC) WEP087: A Different Way to Survey the ESRF Vacuum System D.Schmied*, E.Burtin, I.Parat, J.M.C.Chaize, P.V.Verdier, R.Kersevan (ESRF) WEP088: The TOTEM On-line Radiation Monitoring System F.L.R.Lucas Rodríguez, F.Ravotti*, I.Atanassov, J.Morant, P.Palazzi (CERN) WEP089: Machine Protection and Interlock Systems at Synchrotron SOLEIL F.Dohou, J.Coquet, P.Betinelli*, P.Monteiro, R.P.Patrick, X.Deletoille (SOLEIL) WEP090: Development of Crowbar System for the Protection of High power Vacuum Tubes used for 240 KW, 3-Ф RF System for Superconducting Cyclotron at VECC A.De, S.K.Thakur*, S.Saha (DAE/VECC) WEP091: Upgrade of the Accelerator Radiation Safety System for SPring-8 C.Saji*, H.Hanaki, H.Ohkuma, H.Yonehara, K.Soutome, M.Kago, M.Takao, M.Toko, R.Tanaka, S.Suzuki, T.Masuda, T.Matsushita (JASRI/SPring-8) WEP092: New Beam Loss Monitor for 12 GeV Upgrade J.Yan*, K.L.Mahoney (JLAB) WEP093: The Machine Protection System for the Linac Coherent Light Source A.J.Tilghman, J.E.Dusatko, J.J.Olsen, K.D.Kotturi, P.Krejcik, S.Allison, S.Chevtsov, S.R.Norum*, T.Straumann (SLAC) WEP094: Safety Requirements in the SPES Control System: Preliminary Design L.M.Li (CIAE) A.Battistella, G.Bassato*, G.P.Prete, J.A.Vasquez, L.Costa, M.G.Giacchini (INFN/LNL) WEP095: Architecture of VEPP-4M Collider's Interlock System O.A.Plotnikova*, S.E.Karnaev, V.I.Kaplin (BINP SB RAS) WEP096: Design of the Accelerator Safety Interlock System for the XFEL in SPring-8 C.Saji, M.Kago*, N.Nariyama, R.Tanaka, T.Matsushita (JASRI/SPring-8) T.Fukui, T.Itoga, Y.Asano (RIKEN/SPring-8) WEP097: Safety PLCs Simplify Upgrade of the BESSY II Personnel Safety Interlock D.Thorn, J.Rahn*, R.Daum, S.Ehlert, S.Pavlis (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Elektronen-Speicherring BESSY II) WEP098: Failure Mode And Recovery Strategies For The Operation Of The Tore Supra Tokamak M.Lennholm (EFDA-JET) D.Douai, F.Saint-Laurent, P.H.Moreau*, P.Hertout, P.Pastor, S.P.Bremond (EURATOM-CEA) WEP099: Management of Critical Machine Settings for Accelerators at CERN G.Kruk, P.Charrue, V.Kain, W.Sliwinski* (CERN) WEP100: The SSRF Radiation Safety Interlock System and its Applications J.Cai, J.H.Cai, J.H.Wang, J.Q.Xu, K.M.Fang, X.J.Xu*, X.Liu, X.Xia (SINAP) WEP101: Integrated Access Control for PVSS-based SCADA Systems at CERN M.Gonzalez-Berges, P.Golonka* (CERN) WEP102: The LHC Access System E.Sanchez-Corral Mena, F.Valentini, L.Hammouti, P.Ninin, S.Grau, T.Hakulinen, T.Ladzinski*, T.Pettersson, T.R.Riesco (CERN) WEP103: Introduction of Radiation Monitor System for the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility X.Liu*, X.Xia (SINAP) WEP104: Integrated Operations at JET O.Hemming, P.McCullen, R.C.Felton*, S.E.Dorling, T.Budd (EFDA-JET) J.W.Farthing (UKAEA Culham) WEP105: Beam Containment System for NSLS-II* P.K.Job, S.L.Kramer*, W.R.Casey (BNL) WEP106: Configuration Management Plan for Interlock Safety Systems at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) E.Carrone, M.E.Saleski* (SLAC) WEP107: Linac Coherent Light Source Personnel Protection System Architecture E.Carrone, P.A.Bong* (SLAC) ![]() E.Matias*, H.Zhang, Jong (CLS) WEP109: Alarm Rationalization: Practical Experience Rationalizing Alarm Configuration for an Accelerator Subsystem X.Geng* (ORNL) WEP110: Standards Based Measurable Security for Embedded Devices B.Copy* (CERN) |